How to Talk about Love and Dating in English for Valentine’s Day + 25 helpful verbs and expressions
Did you know that the official day of love and romance is right around the corner?
Okay, Valentine’s Day might just be a “Hallmark holiday” (which means it was just created by the largely famous greeting card company called Hallmark to make them profits), but we can’t deny that love is in the air around this time. You also can argue that it isn’t just a made up holiday by watching this video here about the history of Valentine’s Day. (It will be a great listening comprehension practice, too)
Whether you’re spending this Sunday, February 14 solo, with a special someone, or maybe even on a double date or group date, I want to make sure you can express how you feel in English. I’d also like to give you some helpful language to use in conversations, while flirting, or that may be necessary when talking to the man or woman of your dreams. So be prepared to tell your crush exactly how you feel about him or her (and connect with them this Valentine’s Day) with these helpful phrases, idioms, and vocabulary words.
A quick review of the vocabulary above:
love is in the air [expression] is used to say that there is romance happening, or that a romantic moment is taking place
solo [adverb] being alone
special someone [noun] a person that is more than a friend (but maybe not yet boyfriend/girlfriend) **However, note that I can still refer to my husband as my “special someone” in a silly or fun way
double date [noun] a romantic activity (date) that happens with 2 couples (4 people)
group date [noun] a romantic activity (date) that happens with more than 4 people
flirt [verb] to behave or talk in a way that shows romantic/physical attraction to another person
the man/woman of your dreams [noun] the person you have strong romantic feelings for
crush [noun] someone that you have romantic feelings for
Helpful Expressions and Phrasal Verbs
- to have feelings for someone: to have romantic feelings, more than a friendship for a person.
EX: Paulo has feelings for Jennifer, and wants to ask her out this Valentine’s day.
- to ask someone out: to invite someone to join you on a romantic activity (a date)
EX: Paulo finally got the courage to ask Jennifer out this weekend.
- to start off on the right foot: to have a good first impression of someone, and a good first experience with someone so your relationship starts positively
EX: Emma and Logan didn’t start off on the right foot because Logan seemed arrogant and selfish. Luckily, Emma gave him a second chance.
- to go out (with someone): to go on a date
EX: Emma and Logan went out last weekend, but had an awful time. They are going out again tonight to see if they are interested in each other.
- to hit on someone: to openly flirt with someone that shows extreme interest, which may be as direct as asking for a number or telling someone you’re interested
EX: Holly was hit on at the bar last weekend by the cutest guy. (PASSIVE VOICE) Ben is always nervous before he hits on a beautiful woman. (ACTIVE VOICE)
- to lead someone on: to make someone think you are interested in them or have romantic feelings for them, but you do not.
EX: Taylor was devastated (*very upset*) because Mike was leading her on. She saw him kiss another girl, even though he had told her he liked her the night before.
- to make out (with someone): to kiss someone heavily (not just pecks on the lips) and can include touching
EX: On Valentine’s Day you can expect to see many couples making out in public and being affectionate.
- to hook up (with someone): to have a sexual experience with someone that involves more than kissing and possibly sex.
EX: Alexandra is not interested in just hooking up with someone on Valentine’s Day, she’s looking for a relationship.
- to be head over heels (for someone): to be in love or have strong romantic feelings for someone
EX: Alex is finally going to tell Julia that he is head over heels for her.
- a match made in heaven: a perfect couple
EX: Paulo and Jennifer are a match made in heaven, they are great for each other.
- to set (someone) up (with someone): to have a friend/colleague/family member arrange a date for you with a person they think is a good fit
EX: My best friend was always trying to set me up with guys at her work, but none of them were my type.
Other Helpful Vocabulary
- a second chance [noun] to give someone another opportunity for something
EX: Logan was happy that Emma gave him a second chance and went out with him again, because he was having a terrible day on their first date.
- blind date [noun] a date that was set up by someone else so neither person going knows what the other person looks like
EX: John is going on a blind date this Valentine’s day, which was set up by his co-worker. He hopes the woman is beautiful and friendly.
- to pop the question [verb] to ask someone to marry you
EX: Tim is going to pop the question today over a special Valentine’s day dinner because he and his girlfriend have been together for 7 years already.
- someone’s type [noun] to be a good match for someone, to be what someone is looking for/wants
EX: My type of man is someone honest, outgoing and driven. I introduced my best friend to her (now) husband because I knew he was her type.
- to have chemistry [verb] to get along well (to have a strong/positive relationship) with someone, especially romantically
EX: You can see that Isabella and Marcos have chemistry, they are always smiling and laughing together and work well on team projects.
- to feel butterflies (in one’s stomach) [verb] to feel nervous because of excitement, especially about a person that you are attracted to
EX: Whenever I saw Paulo, I felt butterflies (in my stomach). This is how I knew I had feelings for him.
- to swoon [verb]: to become very excited about someone you have feelings for or are attracted to
EX: Tiffany always swoons over the tall, handsome man who gets a coffee at her cafe every morning.
Are you interested in learning more English related to love and Valentine’s day?
I have plenty of other resources for you to review. Below are the descriptions and links (click to go directly to the articles).
Phrasal Verbs about Love: Learn about Paulo and me and how our love started.
Idioms about Love: Learn 5 idioms related to love and test your self with a matching quiz
Creativity Tuesday- Love Unites: Improve your creative writing skills by describing a picture from my wedding
I wish you a magical day on not only Valentine’s Day but every day, and hope it’s full of love and happiness. Don’t forget to share this article with a friend. I thank you for it, and your friends will thank you, too!
Happy Studying! ♥
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